Monday to Thursday: 8.00am to 6.00pm | Friday: 8am to 5pm | Saturday: 8am to 12pm.
Booking online appointments via HOTDOC is simple and convenient. Just sign up or log in to your HOTDOC account, search for a healthcare provider near you, choose an available appointment time, and confirm your booking. You'll receive a confirmation email or SMS with the details.
In an emergency, please call 000. Our closest emergency department is Blacktown Hospital, Main Telephone, (02) 9881 8000; Emergency Department, (02)98818215 (02) 9881 8216; Patient Enquiries, (02) 9881 8535.
You can book into the Doctor of your choice at the first available appointment. If your need is urgent, please tell the receptionist who will liaise with the Doctor to fit you in. Longer appointments are available and are required for completion of forms; pap smears; etc – please advise this when booking in. Sometimes we do run behind schedule, and we will attempt to notify you of any delays. You can phone to check if your doctor is on time.
Our doctors are happy to accommodate walk-in appointments whenever possible. Please let our reception team know if you or your loved ones require urgent medical attention.
We provide 24-hour care for our patients. Our after-Hours provider: 13Sick and Ph:137425.
If you do not speak or understand English, we are able to get help from a nationally accredited interpreter of your language. Please indicate which language you speak, so that we can arrange an interpreter to help you communicate.
Are available for regular patients whose condition prevents them from attending the surgery. Our doctors will assess the requests before scheduling a home visit.
Doctors may be contacted during normal surgery hours. If the doctor is with a patient, they will be given a message to call you at a convenient time. You will always be put through to the doctor in a medical emergency.
Email : Our practice does not encourage communicating with patients via email unless for an emergency purpose. Patients need to establish the correct identity and complete an email communication consent form.
SMS:We use HotDoc for our online appointment booking, and for automated SMS communication to send appointment reminders, clinical reminders, payment requests, and health campaigns.
Doctors at this clinic offer both bulk billing for all eligible services for the patients with a valid Medicare card, and non-Medicare eligible services will be privately billed. Fees are payable at the time of consultation by Cash. Our standard billing policy is displayed in the reception area of the surgery and other costs are available prior to procedures. If you have any difficulty in paying our fees, please discuss it with us.
Repeat prescriptions will not be done without an appointment, unless by special arrangement with your regular GP, all patients on regular medication are required to be monitored by a doctor.
A follow-up appointment is needed to receive any results.
Recalls/reminders: For the continuing management of our patient’s health, we utilize a systematic reminder system to provide health promotion, preventative care, and early detection of disease. To opt out of this system, please see a member of reception.
When you doctor provides you the referral to another health care provider (Third-party referrals), please be aware that most of the healthcare providers have an out-of-pocket cost (GAP fee) which your doctor can advise you during the consultation. You can also directly contact the third party to inquire about the fees.
Check-ups, family planning, antenatal care, pap smears, pregnancy tests, heart checks (ECG), spirometry (breathing), counselling, vaccination (children & travel), Iron infusion, minor surgery, suturing cuts, removal of lesions, cryotherapy sunspots and warts, nutritional/diabetic advice, mental health; skin checks, work injuries, life insurance medicals, diabetes, and chronic disease management. INR’s, Blood pressure and blood sugar tests are available weekdays.
Clinical Lab Pathology provide an onsite pathology collection service, available on Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9am to 12pm.
Your medical records are a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to always maintain the security of personal health information and to ensure that this information is only available to authorized members of staff. We abide by the 10 National Privacy Principles available at: can obtain a copy of our complete policy from the receptionist.
At our medical centre, we prioritize the privacy and security of our patients' personal and medical information. Our privacy policy ensures that all data is handled with the utmost confidentiality and in compliance with relevant privacy laws and regulations. We collect only the necessary information to provide high-quality medical care and use it solely for healthcare purposes.
Confidentiality : Patient data is strictly confidential and accessible only to authorized personnel.
Secure Storage : All data is stored in secure systems with robust encryption to protect against unauthorized access.
Data Use : Information is used only for medical treatment, appointment scheduling, and healthcare administration.
Patient Rights : Patients have the right to access their medical records and request corrections if needed.
Third-Party Sharing : We do not share patient information with third parties without explicit consent, except when required by law.
Our commitment to safeguarding your privacy ensures that you can trust us with your health information, knowing it is protected and used responsibly.
Please refer to our policy on Privacy and management of patient’s data here
If our service fails to meet your expectations, we would like to hear about it. Please feel free to talk to your doctor or receptionist. You may prefer to write to us. We take your concerns, suggestions, and complaints seriously.
Postal : Practice Manager, Shop T6/799 Richmond Rd, Colebee NSW 2761
Email :
In business hours Ph: (02) 9131 6050
Telephone : 1300 363 992
Postal Address : GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
Web :
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